


Warehouse inventory management involves the systematic control and oversight of goods, products, or materials within a storage facility. It encompasses various processes aimed at efficiently handling, tracking, organizing, and maintaining the inventory levels to meet demands and ensure smooth operations.


Main objective for our solution is to automate the tedious Inventory Management System to reduce Human efforts, create efficient and optimized approach for increasing productivity.


To create an accurate efficient IPS (Indoor Positioning System) enabling a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to move and navigate itself autonomously in the Indoor environment of a storage facility.


To collect the data from stocks using RFID/QR codes and update the inventory database with exact position (in shelf), Item and time of certain stocks.


Integrating Gen AI APIs for managing and querying database, predicting stock analysis, demand forecasting, and optimizing inventory levels.

Present Method

The present methods for Inventory management involves human inspection, maintaining Spreadsheets for data about stocks. Periodic checkups and JIT (Just in time) systems are implemented to reduce time for manual checks but they are not quite efficient.

Proposed Method

This proposed solution distinguishes itself by offering a dynamic, autonomous system that ensures realtime data collection and seamless integration with inventory management processes. It provides mobility, swift data collection, and minimal human intervention.


Navigation through stocks

Scannig QR Code/RFID

Inventory Data management

Utilizing inventory data for Analysis

Prediction and Forecasting

ROS Stack


For navigating the UAV in the storage facility, Ultrasonic sensors are used for precise mapping and obstacle tracking. The data will be used to create a virtual map which will help the UAV navigate through the shelfs and fly autonomously. Whole system will be deployed on the On-Board Computer which will be equipped with ROS.

It is to be programmed for scheduled flight where it will thoroughly inspect the facilities for new stock and empty places available. Launched from Home site, it will travel stock to stock scanning the QR codes on the boxes and updating the data over a Wi-Fi network to update a database containing data of whole inventory.

The system is estimated to perform well in harsh working environment of indoor facilities and is operational 24/7 which will reduce stock process time significantly. The battery is estimated to last for 20 min allowing bot to fly for 17 mins.

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